8 Legal rules by Tamil Nadu State for Diwali crackers

In Tamil Nadu, there are specific rules and guidelines for bursting firecrackers during Diwali, aimed at ensuring public safety, controlling pollution, and minimizing noise disturbances. Here are the key rules and regulations for Diwali cracker use in Tamil Nadu:

1. Time Restrictions for Bursting Firecrackers

  • The Supreme Court has imposed time restrictions for bursting crackers across India, including Tamil Nadu.
  • Firecrackers can be burst only during the specified time slots:
    • 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM in the morning.
    • 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the evening.
  • Any violation of this time limit can result in penalties or fines.

2. Ban on Hazardous Firecrackers

  • Crackers that exceed the permissible decibel levels or contain toxic chemicals like barium salts are banned.
  • The sale and use of imported firecrackers are strictly prohibited.
  • Green crackers, which produce 30-40% less pollution, are encouraged.

3. Environmental Guidelines

  • The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) advises the use of low-emission and less noisy crackers to reduce air and noise pollution.
  • Firecrackers should be avoided in residential and crowded areas, especially near hospitals, schools, and places of worship, to reduce noise pollution.

4. Sales Regulations

  • Only licensed vendors are allowed to sell firecrackers.
  • Unauthorized roadside stalls or sellers can face penalties.
  • The Tamil Nadu government conducts checks to ensure compliance with safety standards during sales.

5. Noise Limits

  • Firecrackers with sound levels exceeding 125 decibels at a distance of 4 meters are not allowed.
  • The state government encourages citizens to opt for crackers that produce less noise, especially in residential areas.

6. Safety Guidelines

  • Firecrackers should only be burst in open areas to prevent fire hazards.
  • The government issues safety advisories through local media to educate people on safe firecracker usage.
  • Schools and public announcements often emphasize the importance of wearing protective clothing and maintaining distance while bursting crackers.

7. Environmental and Health Concerns

  • The Tamil Nadu government has been promoting eco-friendly celebrations and discouraging excessive firecracker use due to the impact on air quality, especially in urban areas like Chennai.
  • Hospitals and clinics are on alert for potential accidents caused by firecrackers during Diwali.

8. Petitions and Public Interest

  • Environmentalists and citizen groups often file petitions to limit firecracker usage due to concerns over pollution.
  • Campaigns for noise-free and pollution-free Diwali are gaining momentum in Tamil Nadu.

By following these rules and guidelines, citizens in Tamil Nadu can celebrate Diwali while ensuring safety, reducing pollution, and adhering to legal regulations.

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Image Curtsey: Makkalsevail youtube channel.